The BBA Story
Beach Buggy Australia started on the fabulous Gold Coast as a beach buggy rental company, under the direction of John Barrett, Nigel Townshend and Graham Mills. You can read the full story of how the Max fx came to life here.
During this time, the owners found that people became excited about the experience and wanted to own a piece of the beach buggy lifestyle. However, many yearned for a bit more space for the family and their camping and/or fishing gear etc. So the challenge was on to design a buggy to cater for this market.
After much research and development at BBA, the Max fx long wheel-base was born: an Australian four-seater beach buggy that met all compliance requirements, had a classic look and many quality features.
The company then changed hands and relocated to the Sunshine Coast. This saw another period of research and development by the new owner and more investment into further improvements to the quality of the product.
Finally a newly tweeked Max fx long wheel-base model was available and a short wheel-base model was also added to the stable. From here, much development was put into the making of the very sporty and modern TARGA Kit. (Stay tuned to hear more about this in coming months.)
New Beginnings
Beach Buggy Australia is now back where it belongs: here on the beautiful Gold Coast, Queensland. Firstly incorporated into the respected Volks-Mod team, Kurt and Gunter Bogholz, it is now solely under the control of Kurt, an experienced buggy builder who has made perfecting both the on-road and off-roader Buggys his life’s work.
So whether your style is a tricked-up streeter or a machine that can handle all kinds of terrain, Beach Buggy Australia can build your buggy dream.
With the new improved Max fx bodies, combined with excellent buggy building knowledge, skills and experience, Beach Buggy Australia can offer unequalled service, quality and range.